A Christian Perspective on 3 of Steve Jobs’ life lessons

👤 DJ Muller

In the annals of motivational speeches, few are as iconic as Steve Jobs’ address to the graduates of Stanford University. This speech contains the life lessons of a visionary entrepreneur.

We recently came across a video recording of this speech, and wondered how it applies to the Christian’s life. With that question in mind, we delved into the three key points from his speech and contemplated their significance in terms of Christian principles.

It is definitely worth the watch!

1. Connecting the Dots: Trusting in Divine Providence

Jobs’ story about dropping out of college and later founding Apple, highlights the theme of connecting the dots. He underscores the importance of trusting in something beyond ourselves, whether it be destiny, intuition, or faith. Similarly, as Christians, we believe in divine providence—a guiding hand shaping our lives according to His will.

From a Christian perspective, every event, every decision, every setback is a speck of paint on the canvas of our lives, intricately painted by God. Jobs’ experience of dropping out of college and stumbling upon calligraphy classes, which later influenced the design of the Macintosh, mirrors the concept of God’s providence working through unexpected avenues.

In our Christian journey, we may not always understand the purpose behind each twist and turn, but we trust that God is part of every detail for the sake of His glory and our ultimate good (Romans 8:28). Just as Jobs encouraged the graduates to trust in the dots connecting backward, Christians are called to trust in God’s providential plan, knowing that He is always working for our flourishing.

2. Love and Loss: Finding Purpose Amidst Adversity

Jobs’ recounting of being fired from Apple underscores the theme of love and loss. Despite facing rejection and failure, he remained steadfast in his passion for innovation. His experience serves as a powerful reminder that setbacks and disappointments are often catalysts for growth and transformation.

Similarly, in the Christian journey, we encounter seasons of trial and adversity. Yet, it is within these difficult times of suffering that our faith is refined and our purpose clarified. Jesus Himself assures us of tribulations in this world but encourages us to take heart, for He has overcome the world (John 16:33).

As Christians, we find solace in the assurance that even in the midst of loss and upheaval, God is at work, shaping us into vessels of His grace (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). Jobs’ resilience in the face of adversity echoes the Christian call to persevere in faith, trusting that God’s redemptive purposes will ultimately prevail.

3. Mortality: Living with Eternal Perspective

Jobs’ reflection on mortality resonates deeply with the Christian understanding of life and death. Confronted with a life-threatening illness, he gained a newfound perspective on the fleeting nature of human existence. His admonition to “stay hungry, stay foolish” encapsulates a zest for life tempered by the sobering reality of mortality.

For Christians, mortality is not a cause for despair but an invitation to embrace life with eternal significance. The apostle Paul reminds us that to live is Christ and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21). Our earthly inhabitance is but a prelude to the everlasting joy of communion with God.

Jobs’ exhortation to follow one’s heart and intuition finds resonance with the Christian call to discern God’s will and walk in obedience to His Word. As pilgrims journeying towards our heavenly home, we are called to live with purpose, courage, and a steadfast commitment to the values of the Kingdom.

In conclusion, Steve Jobs’ timeless wisdom, as articulated in his Stanford commencement speech, resonates with the core tenets of the Christian faith. Through the themes of providence, perseverance, and eternal perspective, we gain valuable insights for navigating life’s complexities with faith, hope, and unwavering trust in God’s unfailing grace. As we embark on our respective journeys, may we heed Jobs’ parting counsel to “stay hungry, stay foolish,” pursuing excellence and innovation while remaining grounded in the timeless truths of our Christian faith.

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